Shortly after you have placed your order, you will be sent Direct Debit forms for you to complete electronically. Please respond to these promptly. In the event that we do not have your DD details for billing, your service will still be installed on the agreed date, but service will be suspended until the forms have been received.

Your Direct Debit form will be in the name of Purefibre Internet Ltd who provide you the broadband services on behalf of HCN. Note particularly that Direct Debit arrangements are provided via the major card processor, GoCardless. For security and GDPR requirements, neither HCN nor Purefibre Internet have any knowledge of your bank account details.

You will then be entitled to free use of your service for the balance of the month during which it was installed. Invoices will be raised during the first working week of each month to cover that month's service costs. Payment will be taken by the 15th of the month against the Direct Debit details you have given us.

If for any reason your payment cannot be processed satisfactorily, you will be sent a reminder and a further attempt to take payment will be made. If subsequent reminders are not actioned, we will send you notice that we intend to suspend services until the payment is made.

Please always be aware that this is a community broadband service, not a service delivered by a commercial national operator. Our ability to provide you with world-class services at our highly competitive prices relies on us being paid efficiently and on a timely basis.